Code of Conduct

Expectations for Student Behaviour

Students at Kinosayo will conduct themselves in a manner that reflects an attitude of respect for themselves, the rights of others and the school environment. As well, students will adhere to the division Code of Student Conduct that is distributed annually to parents.

Our school staff believes in helping children develop responsible behaviour by promoting and acknowledging positive attitudes and by expecting responsible decision making, cooperation and mutual respect.

Students will therefore be encouraged and expected to think in terms of the consequences of their behaviour and the impact upon themselves and others in their environment.


Kinosayo operates on the principle that every child has the right to learn in the best environment possible. Each child, therefore, also has the responsibility to ensure that his or her behaviour contributes to a productive and non-disruptive atmosphere. Since misconduct can involve numerous forms and degrees of seriousness, each case will be dealt with according to individual circumstances.

Some examples of consequences for disruptive or inappropriate behaviour may be:

  • discussion with teacher, counsellor or administrator
  • note in agenda
  • letter of apology
  • student behaviour contract
  • loss of recess
  • loss of privileges
  • interview with parents
  • suspension from class
  • in school suspension
  • out of school suspension.

These corrective measures will help to develop appropriate life skills and help to maintain a safe and secure school environment. Parents will be consulted and involved in more serious or repeated incidents. The student, home and the school must share in the responsibility of developing responsible student behaviour and a positive attitude to support an excellent learning environment.

View division Code of Student Conduct and Student Acceptable Use of Technology form

View the Kinosayo Personal Digital Device procedure/rules

Violence and Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA)

Our school division is a partner in the St. Albert and Sturgeon Regional Violence and Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) Protocol. The regional partnership includes school divisions, emergency services and community agencies, all working together for the safety of all children, youth and families. 

Learn more